miercuri, 24 august 2011

Frumusetea tragicului

He sits in his cell,
And he lays on his bed.
Covers his head and closes his eyes.
He sees a smoking gun,
And the coward he ran.
And in his arms is the bleeding,
Love of his life.

And she cries,
Kiss it all better,
I’m not ready to go.
It’s not your fault love,
You didn’t know, you didn’t know.

Her hands are so cold,
And he kisses her face.
And says “Everything will be all right”.
He noticed the gun,
And his rage grew inside.
He said “I’ll avenge my lover tonight”.
Now he sits behind prison bars,
25 to life and she’s not in his arms.
He couldn’t bring her back with a bullet to the heart,
Of the back of a man and tore his world apart.
He holds onto a memory,
All it is, is a memory.
hey, hey.

He cries,
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.

He is We -Kiss it all better            


duminică, 21 august 2011


 Muzica folk provine din  folclorul american(1930)

 Principalul instrument folosit fiind  chitara

          Versurile au un caracter poetic si teme referitoare la : 
        -viata cotidiana
        -istoria si nedreptatile sociale

Mie de ce imi place?

Imi place folk-ul pentru ca este o muzica linistitoare, cantata la chitara (instrumentul pe care il studiez), cu versuri pline de inteles. 

Bob Dylan

Amy Macdonald

Iron & Wine

Vasile Seicaru
Nicu Alifantis
Ada Milea

Si acum cateva melodii. Enjoy :)




   Informatii in plus aici:

sâmbătă, 20 august 2011


Uite aici e un loc unde imi simplific gandirea si imi scurtez parerile.
                      Pentru ca uneori e bine sa fi scurt si la obiect.                        
Desen realizat de Florin (<3)

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